3 Fantastic Facts About the Secret Law of Attraction

Law of attraction physics image

The law of attraction is a principle based on the “like attracts like” theory.

It states that if someone focuses on negative and positive thoughts, both negative and positive results can be obtained.

Although corresponding results may be produced based on the law of attraction, there is still no scientific evidence that specifically supports this law. Besides this argument, many people have claimed to have success based on the laws of attraction. Let’s take a look at certain facts which may make it seem that the secret law of attraction probably work in reality…
The connection with quantum physics

Law of attraction physics imageQuantum physics is the base material for this law. This is because quantum physics is the study of particles which are a lot smaller than subatomic particles that exist as waveforms.

Those quantum particles react in a way which is totally different from the nature of comparatively larger particles. Yet their behavior is actually predictable.

The action of brain waves is quite similar to that of quantum particles and it is the belief of many scientists that reality is formed by reaction of brain waves with quantum particles.

“The brain is not smart” – myth or fact?

It is a proven fact that the although the brain is million times more powerful than a supercomputer and human beings have achieved so many things using a small percentage of the brain, yet, it is not so smart.

It cannot understand the difference between what people visualize and what is real at a subconscious level.

This has led to the quote that a person dies in reality if he or she dies in the dream.

This is demonstrated by the fact that people who die whilst they are asleep due to sudden heart attack have a terrified look on their face.

Therefore it is a logical fact that if someone visualizes a thing which they desire, their brain waves are similar to that of a person who has that item with them.

A neutral law which is not an excuse to be idle

The law of attraction is a completely neutral law.

It causes a man to get the things which are undesired as well as those which are desired by him.

But this law is not to be used as an excuse to remain idle and quit trying to achieve your goals in life.

Although the statement is that the law gives you something which you want, in reality it just opens a gateway and the possibility to get that item.

You have to complete your journey by yourself if you are true to your goal.

According to researchers, the secret law of attraction have been in existence since the time when the universe began.

Just like the law of gravity, this law also exists in reality. It cannot be seen but it affects us regularly.

Everything which we possess is the consequence of our desire in the past. And whatever we desire in the present may belong to us someday in the future.

In short, it can be said that no matter what others say, the law of attraction, positive thinking, the effects of prayer they are all the same and always work in order to bring our desire closer to us.

But if you get to your goals only by trying, mere dependence on the law does not work. You need to put your thoughts into action and help your dreams come true.

Click here for more help with the law of attraction.