There is always a need for you to feel comfortable and confident in yourself.
Even if you are good you always want to be better.
Not only that, you might be on the other side of things and feel almost desperate and a good for nothing.
Well, the latter is an extreme case that requires attention and not just attention but serious attention!
In either case it is easy to manage to become a better you. These are the strategies and steps to follow:
1. Accept yourself the way you are
You need to admit that you have an issue that you would like to address and change for the better.
Failure to accept your lack of capacity or shortcomings won’t trigger a motivation to change for the better. Besides, accepting that there is a problem with you gives you a room to assess yourself and properly critique whatever is wrong without justifying your shortcomings.
2.Conduct a self SWOT analysis
- Understand your strengths and weaknesses.
- Identify your strengths and work towards making them stronger. They might be either economic or social. The more you work on them the more accomplished and confident you become.
- Dedicate more time to address your areas or weakness if you can’t stay without the weak issues about yourself. If they are the non-basic things such as an interest in friends that don’t add a thing to you, then cut that off completely to give you more time to what you will find comfort and benefit in.
3. Come up with a plan on what to do and the time frame or schedule.
After the SWOT analysis, you should have come up with resolutions about what to do and what not to do:
- The dos must be planned for properly lest they get mixed up in a poor order of prioritization.
- If need be prepare a diary for the resolved ideas and activities to enable you to plan your time well.
4. Take care of your general health
- Exercise a lot to relax.
- Eat healthy food and drink adequate amount of clean water.
- Don’t forget about your personal hygiene. It gives you confidence before people besides saving you from health risks.
5. Mix with others
- Choose friends to be moving with and be a core part of them.
- Learn from them.
- Share with them your ideas.
This gives you confidence and helps to raise your self esteem and change yourself for the better.