Getting Focused

Getting focussed image

Focus is something that we have in differing amounts over time and with different activities.

If you’ve got a hobby that you’re really interested in, chances are that you’re focused on it totally. Some people may even accuse you of being fixated.

Other things may bore you (but you still have to do them) so chances are they won’t get you focused very much. Or at least only focused as much as it takes to get the job done reasonably well.

But what if you wanted to be able to focus with crystal clear clarity?

Getting focussed imageWhat could you do?

Well, you could start by turning down all the buzzing in your mind – the chatter that goes along with you, seemingly all the time.

This is a nice trick to learn – with practice, you can actually clear your mind almost as quickly as pressing the ‘C’ button on a calculator.

In fact, some people use that as their visualisation of how they can clear their mind:

They imagine that when they press the ‘C’ button in their mind, all the chatter stops.

Sounds daft?

Give it a go!

It may take a few tries – maybe clearing down each thought in turn – but with practice you’ll get better at it.

And with less distracting thoughts buzzing through your mind, you’ll actually find yourself better able to focus on the more important things. Whether that’s the food you’re eating, a conversation you’re having, a television program you’re watching, a book you’re reading or anything else.

More focus actually helps you enjoy things better – athletes call it being in the zone and they work on their mind to make sure that they have the best possible performance.

You can do the same thing…

One technique commonly used by athletes is to go through the whole event in their mind. Usually several times. They literally rehearse the event that will be taking place inside their mind.

You can do the same by relaxing, closing your eyes and vividly imaginging whatever event it is you’d like to come to pass in your life.

The more vivid, the better.

So turn up the volume inside your head, make the colours bright and intense, see as much detail in your mind’s eye as possible.

Again, practice helps enormously with this.

So make it a habit to practice several times a week!

And maybe use this track to help you to focus better.