How to be Confident with Eye Contact

eye contact

Being confident requires a great deal of self-esteem nowadays, as most of the people are considering themselves not confident enough and unable to display a conscious approach towards life. People can easily spot a confident person through eye contact, most people with low confidence levels would try to avoid eye contact since they’re not confident enough.

Here you can see a few tips that could help you with being a more confident person, in general :

1. Actually make eye contact – yes, it could be a hard task for a person with low confidence levels, but practice makes perfect. Try it, always!

2. Do things bravely – don’t be a timid person, don’t try to avoid events and people, it will work, the more confident you get, the easier you’ll be finding yourself to make eye contact.

3. Don’t overthink things – I know this is not a magic thing to do, overthinking is a huge problem nowadays but you could try to fight with it.

4. Do things you know you’re good at – then the eye contact won’t be such a hard task, I know it sounds unbelievable but it really does the trick.

eye contactThe question of being confident with eye contact stands as one of these hard tasks people fail daily nowadays, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible, it simply means that it is challenging, and people are a social animal, our species actually needs and enjoys challenges, even if some people say they dislike them, thats in our nature and as such we should act accordingly to it so they can feel good.

Purely psychologically there are some factors eye contact may express :

Eye contact helps the other person have a connection with you and see you care and understand what you’re talking about;By not making eye contact, you let others know that you’re closed for conversations and that they could easily dismiss you or disrespect you in that manner;Having a conversation where you’d appear confident requires you to be more extroverted and open to the world around you, less timid but rather more of a leader.

Confidence and eye contact go together and as such you should stick to that, if you speak to someone and avoid eye contact, you let the other person know that you’re either not interested in the conversation or that you’re really timid and as such he could easily manipulate you too or just lose him as a conversational partner;

Making eye contact builds your confidence and shows others that you’re confident enough, thus you could be successful in all aspects of your life (family, job, friends). There are psychological and physical factors that could influence the process of confidence and maintaining this persona of yours, in which you’re having a decent amount of confidence and eye contact with others.

In order to be confident with eye contact, you need also to have your mindset in a way that you can deal with any manner others introduce to you, as you’ll be strong enough to face these obstacles and deal with them with a moderate amount of confidence.