Law of Attraction: Simple yet Complicated?

At its heart, the law of attraction is simple.

But, of course, we don’t really “get” the idea of simple, so we tend to complicate things. That’s just part of being human.

Which is why most books and products covering the law of attraction go into lots of detail. It keeps our rational minds happy!

After all, the logic goes, if it’s too simple it can’t be worthwhile…

But actually, simplicity is a good thing!

At its simplest, the law of attraction says that what we focus on and think about most is what we get.

Yes, that’s it.

Of course, from a personal development point of view, there’s a lot more to it.

Mainly because we don’t just think about one thing all day. Dogs with bones do that (and even they get distracted if, say, there’s a ball on offer).

Humans have different thoughts going through their mind all day and quite a bit of the night as well.

Some thoughts are fleeting – maybe a flashy car drives past you or a memorable person shows up on your television screen.

Other thoughts are with us more often.

It’s these that we need to focus on most.

We all have some form of self-talk going on in our heads. Sometimes this is positive, sometimes it’s less positive.

Training yourself to think better and nicer thoughts is actually at the root of using the law of attraction.

Because dark thoughts get dark results.

It really is as simple as that.

It’s just humans that make it more complicated!

As ever with a new habit, I suggest starting on a relatively small thing first. That way you can prove to yourself that the law of attraction is working for you without having to wait for what seems like forever for it to work.

One of the things I used when I first started using the law of attraction was to manifest a pink car. Not for me to drive, just to pass me in the road. Pink cars aren’t exactly common (unless you get passed by the Pink Car Rally, but that’s rare) so there is a sense of achievement in seeing one. But they’re not as rare as hen’s teeth so unless you live in the back of beyond, there’s a good chance you’ll encounter one sooner rather than later.

So, pick something relatively small, maybe even trivial, and focus on manifesting it into your life with the law of attraction.

Then let me know how fast it happens (use the comments box below)!