Mastermind Groups Work Fantastically

Chances are that you’ve heard about mastermind groups.

They can be a great way to keep you to your goals and commitments.

The ideal mastermind group is between 5 and 12 people who meet up on a regular basis, either in person or over the phone or a mixture of the two.

If you are fortunate enough to be offered the opportunity to join such a group, I strongly suggest that you take up the invitation.

Whilst it may seem odd to take time off to attend a meeting, I’ve found it to be one of the most productive uses of my time.

The input that you get from a bunch of like minded people is incredible – they usually have insights into the things affecting you and when you combine those insights from several others, you have a powerful action plan that you can follow.

If you haven’t got access to such a mastermind group then you’ll need to look for other ways to create the same kind of supportive atmosphere.

One such way is to allow yourself a guided day dream – Einstein used to do this – where you allow your imagination to run wild. Maybe even inviting in figures you admire and acting as though they were advising you. Pretty much on a “what would they do” basis.

Another way is to join the support of an online group.

Nowadays, this could be an active Facebook group or a Skype chat group. You’ll need to keep your eyes and ears open to find these. Maybe look on a forum as well and pop the question if there’s nothing showing up.

There are also websites that act as the guide for a mastermind program.

These can range from free to paid and you’ll need to do your own due diligence to work out whether they’ll be of benefit for you.

Whichever method you choose, it’s definitely well worth investigating the idea of a mastermind group and at the very least joining one such as this online mastermind group.